Irish Medical Organisation

IMO Submission to the Medical Council on the Supervised Division - July 2011

The “Supervised Division” to the Register of MedicalPractitioners has been introduced to provide a quick solution to the current shortage of Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors(Junior Doctors) in Irish Hospitals. While the PRES examination is considered a deterrent to doctors qualified outside the European Union, multiple factors contribute to the current crisis. In addition to the problems of terms and conditions and the perception of Ireland compared to competing health systems, the lack of any training/development in “service only” posts acts as a significant disincentive.
In order to attract Junior Doctors to these posts the IMO recommends:

  • the provision for supervision by a named consultant,
  • registration and appraisal by the relevant post graduate training body and
  • support for those wishing to gain entry onto the general or specialist training division.

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