Irish Medical Organisation

IMO Statement on Report of the Public Service Pay Commission on recruitment and retention

The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has made an initial response to the Report of the Public Service Pay Commission on recruitment and retention issues in certain health sector grades. 


The President of the IMO, Dr. Peadar Gilligan, said that there was a very real crisis in recruitment and retention of Doctors in Ireland and that Government policy must change if we are to stop the haemorrhaging of doctors from the Irish system.


Speaking today, Dr. Gilligan said; “The IMO Council will meet later this week to discuss this report in detail following which a detailed response to the report will be sent to the Commission. There are almost 500 vacant Consultant posts at present and more NCHDs are emigrating to work and live abroad than ever before.  The challenge now is for the Government to devise a realistic response to this crisis which will address the critical shortage of doctors now and in the years ahead.”

The full report of the Public Service Pay Commission can be found here

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