Irish Medical Organisation


AGM 2019




9am – 12 noon



9am – 10am    NCHD Meeting Motions

10am – 11am Session with Ms Rosarii Mannion, National HR Director, HSE

11am – 12pm Joint Consultant and NCHD Meeting on New Entrant Issues #FIGHT FOR FAIRNESS



  1. This meeting calls on the HSE to implement a national standardised timesheet and payslip for all NCHDs

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. This meeting calls on the Government to enact legislation that allows all medical practitioners who meet competency standards to compete for specialist training positions in Ireland.  We further call on the HSE to increase training positions to allow these candidates the opportunity to obtain such positions.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. We call on the HSE, particularly HSE-NDTP, to increase intern training positions to allow graduates of Irish Medical Schools to obtain intern training in Ireland.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. This meeting calls on the Medical Council to publish their reports on the Inspection of Intern and Clinical Training Sites in a timely manner so as to ensure that any issues they highlight are acted upon and any recommendations they make are implemented in a timely manner so as to optimise training and working conditions for NCHDs and facilitate patient safety.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. This meeting calls on the HSE, particularly HSE-NDTP, to reintroduce a January intake of interns to facilitate those who must re-take exams in August, or who have health or family reasons which require them to interrupt their intern training or to replace interns who must leave their assigned roles for similar reasons.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried As Amended


This meeting calls on the HSE, particularly HSE-NDTP, to reintroduce a January intake of interns to facilitate those who must re-take exams in August, or who have health or family reasons eg maternity leave, sickness, bereavement, which require them to interrupt their intern training or to replace interns who must leave their assigned roles for similar reasons.

  1. This meeting calls on Irish Medical Schools to ensure that their graduates have access to appropriate post-graduate opportunities, including indemnity for electives which allow them to strengthen their candidacy for internship programmes abroad.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. The IMO calls on the HSE to ensure all staff have suitable rest facilities on-site for use at the end of their shifts, or failing this, to provide safe transportation home for them.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

  1. The IMO calls on the HSE to provide appropriate 24 hour catering services for staff required to provide a 24 hour service.

Proposer: NCHD Committee

Status: Carried




#Fight for Fairness

The IMO call on the Government to immediately enter into negotiations as recommended by the Pay Commission, to address the inequitable and blatant discrimination in consultant pay for those consultants appointed post October 2012.  The current pay policy is having very damaging effects on our health services including:

  • Inability to recruit consultants to our public hospitals with over 500 vacancies currently
  • Increased waiting times for patients
  • Compromising safe and optimal patient care
  • NCHDs and Consultants leaving Ireland and choosing to work in health systems abroad where there is no pay discrimination

Proposer: IMO Consultant Committee and IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried as Amended


The IMO call on the Government to immediately address the inequitable and blatant pay discrimination as recommended by the Pay Commission, for those consultants appointed post October 2012.  The current pay policy is having very damaging effects on our health services including:

  • Inability to recruit consultants to our public hospitals with over 500 vacancies currently
  • Increased waiting times for patients
  • Compromising safe and optimal patient care
  • NCHDs and Consultants leaving Ireland and choosing to work in health systems abroad where there is no pay discrimination


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