Irish Medical Organisation

General Motions 2017

General Motions 1 FRIDAY 21st APRIL 10.30am – 1pm


Medical Council

1. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health to engage with the IMO and other stakeholders with a view to amending the 2007 Medical Practitioners Act so as to allow for the following changes to Medical Council practices;

  1. Introduction of a tiered complaints process so that complaints are categorised according to the severity of the complaint and such categorisation determines the process of investigation.
  2. Investigation processes that protect the identity of doctor during the investigation pending any adverse finding upon which the identity and sanction will be made public.
  3. Fitness to Practice hearings being held “in camera”

Proposer: Dr Pascal O’Dea, Dr Michael Kelleher, and North Dublin GP Branch

Status: Carried

2. The IMO calls on the Medical Council to align the start and end of the Continuing Professional Development year to either the regular academic year (July – July or the calendar year so as to facilitate easier academic programme development.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr Peadar Gilligan

Status: Carried

3. Given that the Medical Council receives it’s funding from the medical profession the IMO calls on the Minister for Health to establish an operational oversight committee comprised solely of members of the medical profession to ensure that the Council is delivering a cost effective service.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr Peadar Gilligan

Status: Carried

Regulation of Health Care Managers

4. The IMO calls on the Department of Health to establish, on a statutory basis, an Independent Regulator, to ensure all health service managers in the context of delivery of health services are held to the same standard of regulatory oversight as doctors.

Proposers: North Dublin GP Branch, Dr John Duddy, Dr Tafadzwa Mandiwanza

Status: Carried

Mental Health Services

5. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health to roll out an electronic patient appointment/tracing system, as a matter of urgency, in all community mental health services to prevent the difficulties related to patient dropout amongst this vulnerable group in society.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr John Duddy

Status: Carried

6. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health, Minister for Justice and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to establish a clear and unambiguous definition of “A Child” that is consistent; based on scientific evidence and that no longer discriminates or vilifies mental health services and those who work in them who are attempting to provide the best care for vulnerable citizens.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr John Duddy

Status: Carried

7. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to develop a clinical programme that outlines the care pathway and provides services for those with mild intellectual disabilities who suffer other emotional mental health disorders.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr John Duddy 

Status: Carried

Drug and Addiction Issues

8. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to establish a care pathway for those patients who present to our health services with a primary diagnosis of non opiate addiction problems.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr Ann Hogan

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to establish an evidence based care pathway for those patients who present to our health services with a primary diagnosis of non opiate addiction problems.

9. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to establish specific statutory services and care pathways, establishing proper lines of responsibility for the treatment of acute substance withdrawal (particularly Alcohol; Benzodiazepines and Opiates).

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder : Dr Ann Hogan

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to establish specific statutory evidence-based inpatient and outpatient services and care pathways, establishing proper lines of responsibility for the treatment of acute substance withdrawal (particularly Alcohol; Benzodiazepines and Opiates).

10. The IMO calls on the Minister for Justice, Minister for Health and the Medical Council to establish a code of practice to clarify the legal responsibilities of doctors in relation to the reporting of activity, which they encounter during their clinical work, in relation to the usage of illegal psychoactive substances.

Proposer: Dr Matthew Sadlier                    Seconder: Dr Ann Hogan

Status: Defeated

11. Recognising the international evidence demonstrating their effectiveness in reducing overdose death, drug paraphernalia litter and the number of ambulance call outs, the IMO endorses supervised injecting rooms.

Proposer: Dr Garrett McGovern               Seconder: Dr Cathal O’Suilliobhain

Status: Carried

12. The IMO insists that any clinical guidelines for opiate dependence treatment that aspire to National status should be developed with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, be evidence based, properly peer reviewed and submitted to the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee.

Proposer: Dr Cathal O’Suilliobhain            Seconder: Dr Garrett McGovern

Status: Carried


Alcohol and Tobacco

13. The IMO calls on Government to legislate for an automatic ban from driving, of appropriate duration, to be levied against all those convicted of drink driving offences including first time offenders.

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried

14. The IMO endorses e-cigarettes as a potentially effective tool for smoking cessation and a far safer alternative to tobacco.  The burden of tobacco hard in Ireland continues to be high and any intervention that reduces this toll should be welcomed.

Proposer: Dr Garrett McGovern                                Seconder: Dr Cathal O’Suilliobhain

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO recognises e-cigarettes as a potentially effective tool for smoking cessation and a far safer alternative to tobacco. The burden of tobacco harm in Ireland continues to be high and any intervention that reduces this toll should be welcomed.

Medicinal Cannabis

15. The IMO urges the Government not to limit the availability of medicinal cannabis products in any future legislation by restricting their prescription to consultants and the indications for which they can be prescribed.

Proposer: Dr Cathal O’Suilliobhain            Seconder: Dr Garrett McGovern

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO urges the Government not to limit the availability of medicinal cannabis products in any future legislation by restricting their prescription to consultants or the indications for which they can be prescribed, with such indications being informed by the evidence base.


16. The IMO calls on the Department of Health, the HSE and all health professionals to strongly support the HPV vaccination programme with the aim of bringing the uptake of this cancer preventing vaccine up to the target level of 85% among 12 – 13 year old girls.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the HSE and all health professionals to strongly support the HPV vaccination programme with the aim of bringing the uptake of this cancer preventing vaccine up to the target level of 85% among 12 – 13 year old girls.

17. The IMO calls on the Department of Health and the HSE to fully resource the vaccination of pregnant women against Pertussis in Primary Care to prevent Pertussis infections in the women and in their infants, as recommended by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the Department of Health and the HSE to fully resource the vaccination of pregnant women against Pertussis in General Practice to prevent Pertussis infections in the women and in their infants, as recommended by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee.

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome:

18. The IMO encourages doctors to take the necessary steps to empower women to abstain from alcohol throughout pregnancy and breastfeed, to prevent the occurrence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO encourages doctors to take the necessary steps to educate and empower women to abstain from alcohol throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, to prevent the occurrence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.


Migrant and Refugee Health

19. The IMO calls on the Government to adequately resource services to meet the full range of health and social care needs of migrants in Ireland and in particular to resource and establish consultant-led multidisciplinary teams with special interest in the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried

Infectious Diseases

20. The IMO calls on the Department of Health and the HSE to organise a national communications campaign to increase awareness of the continuing risk posed by the Zika Virus to women in their reproductive years, if they or their partners travel to countries or territories where the virus is being transmitted.

Proposer: IMO Public Health Doctors and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried

21. The IMO calls on the HSE to develop and implement a strategy to achieve the WHO target of eliminating measles and rubella from Ireland.

Proposer: IMO Public Health Doctors and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried

                                                                Pre Hospital Care

22. The IMO welcomes recent community led efforts towards the establishment of physician staffed helicopter emergency services in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and supports the concept of the doctor – paramedic team in providing specialist pre hospital care to the critically sick and injured.

Proposer: Dr Gabriel Beecham                  Seconder: Dr Paddy Hillery

Status: Carried

Cancer Screening

23. The IMO deplores ageism in screening for Cancers, which leads to diagnostic delay, increased expense and increased mortality and implores the Minister for Health to right this wrong and save lives and money.

Proposer: Dr David O’Gorman                   Seconder: Dr Phelim Donnelly

Status: Carried

Mobility Allowance and Motorised Transport Grant Scheme

24. The IMO calls on the Department of Health to provide alternative supports to replace the Mobility Allowance and Motorised Transport Grant schemes for people with severe disability, which were closed to new applicants in February 2013.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried

25. In view of the evidence that exposure to air pollution increases the risks of respiratory, circulatory and other diseases, including dementia, the IMO calls on the Government to institute planning guidelines that require that new apartment developments are set back from roads with high volumes of traffic.  The IMO also calls on the Environmental Protection Agency to advocate for such guidelines in order to reduce the risks to health due to air pollution.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried


Women in Medicine

26. The IMO calls on the HSE to recognise that there are significant gender balance issues in medicine and to work with the IMO and other stakeholders on planning medical manpower for the future which takes account of these issues and in particular focuses on measures to address the gender imbalance in specialty choice.

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the HSE to recognise that there are significant gender balance issues in medicine and to work with the IMO and other stakeholders on planning the medical workforce for the future which takes account of these issues and in particular focuses on measures to address the gender imbalance in specialty choice.

Respect Charter

27. The IMO welcomes all signatories to the Respect Charter and calls on the HSE and Department of Health to work with the IMO so as to progress the principles laid out in the Charter thus leading to a safer and healthier work environment.

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried

Future Healthcare Committee

28. The IMO urges the Future Healthcare Committee to consider the costs of health service provision and the funding model required to deliver an equitable health service.

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried


Waiting List and ED Data

29. This meeting calls on the HSE to provide clarity to the parallel waiting list system that was exposed by RTE Prime Time.

Proposer: North Dublin GP Branch

Status: Carried

30. The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Health to publish on a weekly basis details of

  1. Numbers of patients on trollies
  2. Number of cancelled operations
  3. Weekly readmission rate to ED post discharge
  4. Weekly outpatient waiting list numbers

Proposer: North Dublin GP Branch

Status: Carried

Medical Research and Access to Medicines

31. The IMO calls upon the government to institute legislation to attach conditions to the public funding of medical research in order to ensure affordability of the end products of biomedical research.

Proposer: Dr Ciara Conlon                           Seconder: Dr Kieran Harkin

Status: Carried

32. The IMO calls upon the Irish Government to promote needs driven innovation and affordable access to medicines by implementing the recommendations outlined in the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel report on Access to Medicines. 

Proposer: Dr Ciara Conlon                           Seconder: Dr Kieran Harkin

Status: Carried


33. The IMO calls upon the government to issue a compulsory licence for sofosbuvir and to allow the importation of lower priced generic direct acting anti-retroviral (DAA’s) treatments for hepatitis C of assured quality.

Proposer: Dr Kieran Harkin                         Seconder: Dr Ciara Conlon

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls upon the Government to issue a compulsory licence for Sofosbuvir for public non-commercial use consistent with article 70 of the Patents Act to facilitate the importation, distribution and use of lower priced generic Sofusbovir of assured quailty.

34. The IMO calls on the Government to insist on transparency from the pharmaceutical industry in relation to the manufacturing and research/development costs of new medicines.

Proposer: IMO International Affairs Committee

Status: Carried

35. The IMO calls on the Government to ensure that where public funds are used in pharmaceutical research and development this is reflected in the pharmaceutical prices.

Proposer: IMO International Affairs Committee

Status: Carried


Non EU Doctors

36. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health and the Minister for Justice and Equality to introduce a specific visa programme for non EU doctors so as to reduce the significant cost and administrative burden associated with working in Ireland.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

37. The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Health to integrate a proper acclimatisation programme for non Irish graduates starting to work in Ireland, including a paid indication period with appropriate supports and information on work practices, cultural practices and local amenities.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried


Graduate Entry Medical Students

38. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health, Minister for Education and Minister for Finance to introduce a tax relief system for debt undertaken to acquire medical training, particularly for those graduate entry medical students.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried

Brexit and Mutual Recognition of Medical Qualifications

39. The IMO calls on Government, in the context of negotiations on Brexit, to ensure that cross border co-operation in healthcare is maintained and that mutual recognition of medical qualifications remains in place.

Proposer: IMO International Affairs Committee and Dr Seamus Healy

Status: Carried

                                                 Ambulance and Fire Services

40. The IMO calls for a unified communications system between the ambulance and fire service in relation to a coordinated responses to medical emergencies. 

Proposer: East Galway GP Branch

Status: Awaiting Debate

GENERAL MOTIONS SESSION 3 - SATURDAY, 22nd April 2.30pm – 3.30pm

Health Service Funding

41. This meeting calls on the Department of Finance and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to be cognisant of the implications of under resourcing of the health care system on patient care and population health.

Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee

Status: Carried

42. The IMO calls on Government to commit to a budget that will urgently address

  • The requirement for enhanced health services to meet the needs of a growing and ageing population
  • The current inability to recruit or retain doctors to our health services
  • The absence of a planned funding model to support the Health Services

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried

43. The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Health to introduce an increase in protected capital investment to upgrade Ireland’s public hospital infrastructure.

Proposer: Dr John Duddy                             Seconder: Dr Tafadzwa Mandiwanza

Status: Carried

Acute Hospitals

44. This meeting calls on the HSE and all HSE Funded Hospitals to guarantee that GPs have direct access to Medical Assessment Units that presently act as factory extensions to emergency departments.

Proposer: North Dublin GP Branch

Status: Referred to Council

45. The IMO calls on the Minister for Health to introduce a timetabled specific plan to re-open closed hospital wards in order to address Emergency Department overcrowding.

Proposer: Dr John Duddy                             Seconder: Dr Tafadzwa Mandiwanza

Status: Carried As Amended


The IMO calls on the Minister For Health to immediately reopen closed hospital wards in order to address hospital overcrowding resulting in postponement of planned procedures, overcrowding in Energency Departments and additional patients placed on wards

46. The IMO supports the introduction of Theatre Assistants to the Irish health service.

Proposer: Dr John Duddy                             Seconder: Dr Tafadzwa Mandiwanza

Status: Carried

47. The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Heath to recognise that a significant increase in bed capacity is required in order to reduce waiting lists and emergency department overcrowding and to prepare a detailed plan as to how the lost capacity will be replaced.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried as Amended


The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Heath to recognise that a significant increase in bed capacity is required in order to reduce waiting lists and hospital overcrowding manifesting in emergency department overcrowding, and to prepare a detailed plan as to how the lost capacity will be replaced.


Contract Breaches

48. The IMO calls on the HSE, Department of Health, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to cease the practice of breaching  agreed contractual terms and conditions of doctors which is directly leading to Ireland’s inability to attract and retain doctors across our health services at all levels – NCHDs, GPs, Consultants, Public Health and Community Health.

Proposer: IMO Council

Status: Carried


Consultant Delivered Care

49. The IMO calls on the HSE and Department of Health to increase the number of consultant positions, with adequate work practice supports, to deal with waiting lists and in accordance with the target of providing a consultant delivered health service.

Proposer: IMO NCHD Committee

Status: Carried


Recruitment and retention of Doctors in Ireland

50. The IMO calls on the Department of Health to ensure that doctors in training in Ireland are treated fairly in relation to their working terms and conditions, training in the workplace and payment for hours worked in order to stem the tide of emigration among doctors.

Proposer: IMO Public Health and Community Health Doctors Committee

Status: Carried

51. The IMO calls on the Public Sector Pay Commission to recognise and make recommendations in respect of the significant problems in retaining and recruiting doctors in our public health services due to contractual terms and conditions.  This is resulting in a low ratio of doctors to patients in Ireland, high emigration rates amongst the medical profession and medical vacancies across the service, all of which negatively impacts on patient care. 

Proposer: Dr Peadar Gilligan                      Seconder: Dr Matthew Sadlier

Status: Carried

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