Consultant Motions- Saturday, 22nd April 9.30am – 12.30pm
1. The IMO calls on the Government to immediately enter negotiations on a new consultant contract that will eliminate the two tier pay structure which has directly led to elongated waiting times and increased morbidity and mortality in Ireland.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
2. This meeting calls on the HSE and the Department of Health to work to address the recruitment and retention issues affecting the delivery of service in our hospitals.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
3. This meeting calls on Government to cease the inappropriate use of the Courts to deny consultants their contractual rights.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
4. The IMO calls on all Consultants to seek the honouring of the terms and conditions of their contracts.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
5. The IMO calls on all Acute Hospitals to honour the terms and conditions of their consultant employees.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried As Amended
The IMO calls on all Acute Hospitals and Community Healthcare Organisations to honour the terms and conditions of their consultant employees.
6. The IMO calls on Government to behave fairly with Consultants and to honour the terms and conditions of the contract as set out in 2008.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
7. The IMO calls on the Government to pay people providing a hospital consultant service equally for so doing thus ensuring the basic principle of equal pay for equal work.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
8. The Consultant Committee of the IMO call on the Government to return all consultants to the 2008 Salary Scale as previously negotiated and that interim arrangements that specifically negatively impact on consultant appointed since 2012 be immediately reversed.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
9. The IMO calls on the Government to establish a statutory inquiry to investigate what impact studies were completed prior to the decision to reduce new entrant consultant salaries in October 2012 and to document the devastating consequences that this decision has had upon the health services in Ireland as well as full details on effects on morbidity and mortality.
Proposer: IMO Consultants Committee
Status: Carried
10. The IMO calls on the HSE and Minister for Health to publish, on a quarterly basis, a full overview of the consultant workforce to outline what percentage of posts are vacant; what percentage of posts are filled with agency employed locums and what is the breakdown of category of consultant. (Pre 2008; A; B; C)
Proposer: IMO Consultant Committee
Status: Carried As Amended
The IMO calls on the HSE and Minister for Health to publish, on a quarterly basis, a full overview of the consultant workforce to outline what percentage of posts are vacant; what percentage of posts are filled with agency employed locums and the number of resignations from consultant positions and the reasons for those resignations and what is the breakdown of category of consultant. (Pre 2008; A; B; C)
11. This AGM calls on the Minister for Health and the HSE to recognise that doctors who previously worked in the Irish health system and who are now resuming employment within that system are not be classified as “new entrants” and therefore should not attract different contractual terms for established colleagues.
Proposer: Dr Seamus Healy Seconder: Dr Peadar Gilligan
Status: Carried
12. In pursuit of equity the IMO requests a 30% reduction in the pay of new TDs elected for the first time at the last election to match that imposed on newly appointed consultants who unlike TDs are hard to attract so much so that there are 400 unfilled posts.
Proposer: Dr David O’Gorman Seconder: Dr Phelim Donnelly
Status: Carried