Irish Medical Organisation

Vaccination Programme for Healthcare Workers- Update

The IMO continues to engage with employers, both locally and nationally, to address issues as they arise with the roll out of the vaccine.  


In the past two weeks, the emphasis of the vaccination campaign has been on delivering the vaccine to  adults aged over 65 years who are residents of long-term care facilities, and to the staff of those facilities. This is in line with the Government’s National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme strategy document.


The IMO has had it confirmed that, commencing next week, expected deliveries of the AstraZeneca vaccine will allow for a scaling upwards in the vaccination of frontline healthcare workers. It is expected, by the HSE, that the delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccine will increase week on week, and should result in the vast majority of frontline healthcare workers having received at least dose one of the vaccine by the end of this month. 


As you will appreciate, the situation in terms of supply remains fluid. We will be in touch again as further details become available.


If you have any comments or queries in this matter, please contact the IMO on (01) 6767273, or by e-mail at

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