Public Service ‘New Entrant’ Measures
The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has been approached by several Consultant members who have experienced difficulties availing of the enhanced increment progression measures, applicable to post 1st January 2011 recruits, which were agreed last September.
In summary what these measures provide for is that for those currently in employment, at points three, four or five of their respective pay scale (as at September 2018), they will ‘skip’ the next point on their incremental scale, at their next increment date after 1st March, 2019, and will ‘skip’ point eight upon reaching that point. Those on point six will move to point nine at their next increment date after 1st March, 2019.
For those currently on points one and two (as at September 2018), they will ‘skip’ points four and eight upon reaching that stage.
The maximum point of the individual pay scales will remain in place and cannot be exceeded.
Some members have told us that their work location has advised that these measures do not apply to Consultants recruited into their post after 1st October 2012 – this is not the case. If you have experienced, or are experiencing, difficulties in this regard, please let us know via and we will follow up.