Irish Medical Organisation

Message to Consultants

As advised previously the IMO has serious concerns regarding the Government position on FEMPI restoration for consultants and the exclusion of consultants from the restoration of hours process.  These concerns were communicated to both Minister Donnelly and Minister McGrath. 


The IMO, as a member of the Public Service committee, represents the medical profession in all public sector agreements and will not tolerate a position where some of its members would be treated differently to other public servants in the context of those agreements.  The disastrous effects of Government acting outside such agreements can be evidenced by the unilateral inequitable 2012 pay cut which has led to a situation where we now have almost 850 vacant consultant posts, dangerously long waiting times for treatment and an inability to recruit doctors.


Since communicating our objections to the statements on FEMPI and Hours Restoration we have held a series of meetings with Minister Donnelly and his officials to ensure existing contractual arrangements and agreements are honoured before any further discussions could take place in relation to new contractual arrangements.  Following a series of meetings in recent weeks where some assurances were received,  we have agreed to meet with the Department of Health next Tuesday to determine if sufficient progress can be achieved so as to allow discussions on a new contract resume. 


We will keep members informed of any developments in this regard


Yours sincerely


Dr Clive Kilgallen

Chair of Consultants Committee

Incoming President

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