Irish Medical Organisation

Consultant CME Update

We refer to our previous e-mails on the subject of the Consultant CME Allowance.

Since the onset of the pandemic, quite a few members have contacted the IMO and advised that an increasing component of their CME is now delivered virtually. As a result, it was recommended that the HSE should amend the terms of the Consultant CME Agreement – negotiated between the HSE and the IMO – to allow for the purchase of equipment that would allow for online CME access at this time. The IMO did engage with the HSE and secured an amount of up to €1,000 for the purchase of such equipment. This provision is applicable until 31st December 2022.

You can access the HSE memo here and the policy addendum and claim form here.

If you have any queries in this regard, please forward those by e-mail to or by calling the office on (01) 6767273.

Kind Regards

IMO Team.


The purpose of this memo is confirm that up to €1,000 of the existing Medical Consultant CME allowance may be used to purchase ICT equipment to facilitate online CME access during the present COVID-19 situation. The maximum claimable amount is €1000 per annum regardless of the cost of the ICT equipment. This arrangement is applicable for a 2 year period (i.e. for the 2021 and 2022 CME funds) and applies only to those already entitled to Consultant CME allowance funding. This arrangement terminates on 31st December 2022. The 2021 general CME balance may rollover to the end of 2022, following which no further rollover is permitted.

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