Irish Medical Organisation

Doctor Health and Well-being Resources

Get a GP. Did you know that 40% of doctors in Ireland do not have their own GP?  Do you have a GP? If you don’t have one, you can look here for a GP in your area:

The ICGP also have National GP Directory for NCHDs, Trainees and Interns  

To make an appointment, simply phone a GP practice and explain you are a new patient. (Contact numbers available on ICGP website at the links above.)


Practitioner Health Matters Programme – A confidential service for any doctor, dentist or pharmacist in Ireland who has a concern about stress, burnout, mental health difficulties or who may have an alcohol or drug misuse problem.

The Practitioner Health Matters Programme is an independent non-profit organisation that receives funding from professional bodies including the IMO and the Medical Council.


HSE Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) – A confidential counselling service offered to HSE staff.

The service is provided by independent counsellors and no information is given about your issue to your employee without your written consent, except where disclosure is required by law. You usually contact the EAP service directly or you may be referred by your manager.


HSE Silver Cloud Health -  Free access to all HSE staff to 4 self-directed online programmes - Dealing with Stress,  Building Resilience, Improving your Sleep, Space from COVID-19.

Once on the website, complete the sign-up process and enter the access code HSE2020 when prompted to do so.


Occupational Health Services – An occupational health doctor is a doctor who works for your employer and assesses your wellness to work. Your manager may refer you or you may self-refer to occupational health services. While you are entitled to confidentiality in many matters, occupational health services also have a duty to keep your employer informed about the state of your illness/readiness for work and must report back to employer on same.  Occupational health services may be located in larger hospitals, or may be outsourced by smaller employers.

Medical Council Well-being Resources

Includes a Guide to Doctor Wellbeing and ethical obligations in this area including what to do if you have concerns about your own health or the health of another doctor


Your post-graduate training body or college may also offer a range of resources and  supports:


ICGP – Doctor’s Health Programme 

Aims to enhance well-being among GPs and GP Trainees and encourage doctors to register with a GP.


RCPI – Physician Well-being Programme

Includes a wide range of supports, training and resources on doctor well-being

RCSI – Student Welfare and Well-being programme  


College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland – Wellness supports


Other supports


Medical Protection Society –
confidential counselling service for MPS members involved in medico-legal issue. Contact your medico-legal case handler at MPS for the Freephone number

The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ireland provides assistance for doctors and their families undergoing severe financial hardship

IMO Membership

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If you were previously a member of the IMO you can rejoin here.

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